Fairtrade FARMERS is a documentary series in real time. It tells the stories of local activists unfiltered, in its own style.
Animated films for the Bundeszentrale Politische Bildung
A video series on Jewish life in Germany was produced for the Federal Center for Political Education. (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung)
Seal of approval “Highly recommended” for documentary Life Camp Uyo
Hardly any men get a chance to speak in the documentary Life Camp Uyo, yet it is their work that determines the lives of the three portrayed women.
Poetic film portrait Kaschmirweib
The 23-minute documentary Kaschmirweib takes viewers right into the emotional world of its protagonist.
Trailer editing for the rnm Showreel
Of course, we didn’t miss the opportunity to produce our own showreel in-house.