Integration of applicant management tool
The Albert Schweitzer Children’s Villages are one of the largest aid organizations for children and youth work in Germany. Ten member organizations are spread throughout the Germany. For two of the largest members, the Albert-Schweitzer-Familienwerk Bayern and the Albert-Schweitzer-Kinderdorf Berlin, we not only edited videos but also designed the websites.
Similar to the videos, the main focus in times of a shortage of skilled workers was on recruiting employees. Accordingly, the pages were specifically tailored to guide users to the interfaces of the recruitment management software coveto.

Generating donations on your own website
A second focus was on fundraising. The money that the organizations receive from the pots of the youth welfare offices is unfortunately not sufficient to provide the children and young people adequately. Through successful fundraising campaigns of the Familienwerk Bayern, which ran through their website, amongst others, 7-digit donations were collected to help children in need.

Same parent organization, yet trying to remain own identity in design
One challenge in designing the two sites was to preserve the identity of the two associations without losing sight of the Cooperative Identity (CI for short) of the overarching Bundesverband der Albert-Schweitzer-Kinderdörfer und Familienwerke. On the Bavarian side, for example, greater emphasis was placed on a homey atmosphere, which is the hallmark of Familienwerk facilities, which are often located in rural areas. Thus the Bavarian side sets itself apart among other things by the fact that the pink from the CI of the Bundesverband did not appear here, but only the rather natural-looking colors blue and above all green.
We have maintained both sites until August 2020, but their design and structure remain virtually unchanged to this day.
Content conceptualization: Okayfactor
Web Design: rnm