OnePage Design for Mütterpflege – Für Dich. Für Euch.

Sole Proprietor

Making the invisible visible

Maternity care is an often overlooked topic. Many women need support during and after pregnancy that goes far beyond what doctors offer. This is where Anne Ellrodt’s work begins. For Mütterpflege – Für Dich. Für Euch. we have accordingly tried to design an intimate website.

Mockup of the website on a laptop and a smartphone

The basis of the website’s look was the logo, which Anne Ellrodt designed herself in collaboration with logo designer Jörg Rambaum. The Bordeaux red and straw yellow of the logo already set a welcoming mood. In addition, many stock photos were selected to create a more personal impression.

One page design for a quick overview

In order to provide users with a quick overview, the content was created as a one-page design to avoid time-consuming clicking around.

CSS-Grid creates mosaic

Especially in the “I For You” section, the text content was more bullet point-like. To create a visually appealing design, we worked with a CSS grid to create a sort of mosaic of the various support offerings.

Content conception & web design: rnm

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