Supporting a diverse society with video work for Gemeinsamer Horizont e.V.

Corporate Film / Volunteering

Enabling political and social participation

A diverse society means work – on all sides. Gemeinsamer Horizont e.V. takes up this challenge and wants to build understanding for each other, a dialogue with each other and a sense of “we” for each other.

The association sees it as one of its main tasks to enable new and old Berliners to participate politically and socially – e.g. by offering them a space for meetings or teaching them about German laws.

Focusing not only on the editing but the people

From 2019 to 2021, we provided volunteer support for the association’s work, overseeing social media and the website, as well as video work. For example, this corporate video was created, which presents the work of the association and was used for appeals for donations and to recruit members.

The important thing in this work was always to focus on the people. In the two documentaries shown below, which were filmed by Leonard Leesch from Pictures Alive together with participants from two of the association’s projects, we therefore focused on the statements of the people and deliberately decided against the use of cutaways.

Post production together with participants

The first film focused on the German education system, especially discrimination in schools, bullying among students, and how parents, teachers, and the education system deal with these circumstances.

The second film deals with the German social and political system, cultural differences, diversity, anti-discrimination and living together in a new society.

Production: rnm and Pictures Alive
Postproduction: rnm

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